We are OPEN! Our new address for the Administrative Office of the BCSO is 320 N. Hoyle Ave., Bay Minette, AL 8AM--4:30PM Monday through Friday

The Division of Professional Standards was developed to set guidelines and higher standards for the Baldwin County Sheriff's Office employees. These standards hold the BCSO employee accountable to higher values in regards to responsibilities and behavior on and off the job.  Whether a civilian employee or sworn officer of the law, BCSO employees are expected to conduct their behavior in a fair and respectable manner at all times. Baldwin County citizens expect honest, responsible, respectable law enforcement employees in this county. 
We are truthful in our words and in our actions.

The Division of Professional Standards receives processes, supervises and controls investigations regarding employees.

The Division of Professional Standards is also tasked with ensuring that misconduct allegations made against employees are thoroughly investigated while maintaining objectivity by gathering all pertinent information in a professional manner. 

Complaints may be filed through the BCSO website, U.S. mail, email, or in-person.
Every complaint will be investigated. 

Lower-level allegations are investigated and adjudicated by the employee’s chain of command (direct supervisors)

More serious allegations are investigated by the Professional Standards Division and adjudicated by an Independent Chain of Command (supervisors who do not work directly with the employee)
• Sustained – the allegation is proven by evidence.
• Not sustained – There is no information to prove or disprove the allegation.
• Exonerated – the incident occurred, however; the employee acted lawfully and properly.
• Unfounded – the allegation is false and the alleged incident did not occur.

When making a decision about corrective action for allegations of misconduct, supervisors will consider the BCSO’s disciplinary philosophy including the employee’s motivation, degree of harm, employee’s experience, intentional/unintentional errors, and employee’s past performance history.

Professional Standards will notify all complainants, in writing, of the disposition of the complaint.

Please review the attached Flow Chart Complaint to see how we review and/or investigate complaints.

Mission All members of the Baldwin County Sheriff's Office are committed to earning
the trust of all people with integrity and respect and to have the courage to 
uphold the law with professionalism and fairness.
VisionThe Baldwin County Sheriff's Office will continue to grow, adapt, and evolve
as we continue to provide the highest level of professional service and 
protection to all residents and visitors of our county.

If you would like to file a complaint please complete this FORM and follow the instructions of how to get it back to the BCSO. 

Thank you,
Lt. Lonny McKinney

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© 2021 Baldwin County Sheriff's Office, Bay Minette, Alabama. All rights reserved.